Wednesday, April 1, 2009

10 Milestones

* Introduced several table foods- green beans, peas, chicken, steak, baked potatoes, mashed potatoes, pork chop, cheese, rolls, diced apples, baked beans, jello, broccoli, bisuits, etc... and he liked them all!!!!

* Waving hello and goodbye.

* Walking with his walking toys.

* More teeth!

* Putting his face in the bath water:)

* Drinking better from a sippy cup.

* Drinking better from a straw.

* Using his pincher grasp to put food in his mouth

* Introduced whole milk.

* Playing more independently.

* Wearing size 5 shoes:)

* Wearing 18-24 month clothes.


Unknown said...

Wow he is really growing up!

Jen said...

Your little man is sure growing! He's so stinkin cute! And I'm so behind on reading blogs. I just watched your 3/14 videos. OMG, he has got the cutest little infectious giggle! I laughed so much watching it Dawn had to come fine out what was so funny.