Sunday, May 2, 2010

Big Boy Bed

Braden moved to his new bed on Friday and he has done really well. The first night he got up once, but last night he slept there all night even through the thunderstorms! He looks so little in the twin bed, like he did when we first put him in his baby bed. He LOVES the car bed and the cars on his sheets and all over his room! He is very happy to show anybody that comes over his new big boy room:) It is so cute! Now his baby bed is going to our little neice or nephew that will be here in September:) We find out on Friday if it will be Chloe or Preston:) Lots of exciting things going on in our family right now:)


K J and the kids said...

COOL big boy bed. I'll bet he LOVES it.
Cute cute cute.

Jen said...

Oh that is adorable! Bet he is one happy kid with that way cool bed.

Unknown said...

Love the car bed!!! Where did you find that?