Thursday, July 8, 2010

Summer Time Fun!!!

We have had a fabulous summer so far!!!! We have spent extra time with friends and family, played in the backyard, went to the swimming pool, went to see fireworks at the park, and LOTS more. It has been a fun packed summer and we are loving every minute of it!!!

Braden absolutely loves being outside doing anything- riding his little four wheeler, playing basketball or golf with his Mimi, writing with chalk on the driveway, you name it- he LOVES it!!! He has really been a blast this summer. It has been great to watch him do and learn new things. He amazes me every day!

Right now he is so into the Toy Story Movies. We watch them several times a day! His favorite characters are Woody and Bullseye. We have several little Toy Story toys, but he has to sleep with his talking Woody doll:) We took him to see Toy Story 3 last week, but he only made it through about an hour. He wanted to play the arcade games in the lobby and didn't care too much for how loud it was in the theater. We thought he would like it since he will sit and watch a whole movie at home, but he wasn't having it that day. There are a few scary parts in there that he didn't care for either. He is just so fun right now- it makes me feel like a kid again:)

I have tried so many times to capture the right words to tell him how much I love him and how proud I am to have him as a son, but there just are no words to express the love that I have for him! It is unconditional, huge, wonderful, beyond anything I have ever felt. I love that he tells me "I love you" and "your special", he wants to hold my hand in the car (which I have to sit in the backseat with him to do), I love our end of the night routine (rock and bed), I love that he tells me he is "my boy" and that he gives me big hugs with a little grunt to let me know he is really squeezing, I love hearing "mom" and "want you", I just LOVE IT ALL!!!!! He is the best gift God could have given me!!!! I swear I tell him I love him probably 1000 times a day, but it is just not enough for me:) I want him to know without a doubt that I will always love him and there is NOTHING he can do to change that. I may not like his actions or his choices that he makes, but I will ALWAYS love him NO MATTER WHAT!!!!

Look below for pictures of the fun times we are having this summer:)

Swimming with his best bud Colton:)

Playing baseball with his Uncle Jamie

Watching fireworks with Aunt TT and Mama

Sparklers with Mimi

Fourth of July Celebration at Panther Creek Park

Playing in the inflatables!

Riding the mini horse:)
He LOVED this!!!
Swimming at Atlantis

Golfing with Mimi

Timeout from shooting hoops with Mimi


K J and the kids said...

He looks like such a little boy now. There is hardly any baby left.
Glad you are having such a busy and fun summer.

Anonymous said...

Soooo adorable. This really is a fun age, despite the tantrums, isn't it?

Jen said...

Looks like you guys are having a blast. And man that kid is growing like a weed! What a cutie he is!