Saturday, January 16, 2010

More Fun at our House:)

Braden has really started to talk up a storm. He will repeat just about anything IF he is in the mood. I was kinda worried there for a couple weeks, because he just would not say anything new, now he is doing great! Some of his new words are pretty, ready, moon, tv, potty, and toes:) He has also developed quite the little attitude. If he doesn't get his way then he throws a little (big) tantrum. Needless to say he has embarassed us quite a few times while we were out visiting with friends or family, but we are trying to stay consistent and continue with time outs. He has become GREAT friends with his time out area lately- hee hee! We still manage to have some fun through all the ups and downs of raising a little boy. See below for some examples...

Bath time bubble boy:)

Our footprints in the snow 2010
Jill, Braden, Amber

Shoveling snow- what a helper!

Braden and Mimi on Snow Day #2
Mama and Braden coloring


Anonymous said...

Glad I'm not the only one hanging out in time-out-ville these days!
He is so cute, can you believe our little guys will be 2 in a few short months?!?

hotomiky said...

what a fun!!

Jen said...

What a big boy he is! So adorable. And I love the footprint photo. Such a neat idea.