Monday, February 1, 2010

Little bit of this, little bit of that...

My sweet boy! He is such a ham:) I cannot believe how much he is talking now. We are loving all his new words and when he puts some words together like "I wanna bite", "More milk", and
"What's that?" He does a few more, but I am drawing a blank:) He also mixes words and signs. He still signs please and thank-you, but he did say please a few days ago and it sounded SOOOO darn sweet. He hasn't done it since then though.

He has been very sick since last week. Throwing up in the morning and at night-- all over Jill and I might I add! It has been a very interesting six days! He was so pitiful-- all he wanted to do was sit in your lap and watch tv. He would only play for a short time and then he wanted to relax. He is finally starting to feel better today- eating a little and acting more himself. Jill and I have been sick off and on a lot more since November. We realized most of our windows have mold from the moisture coming in. So now our tax money is going towards replacement windows. We are hoping that will help all of us feel better. I think we are all ready to get outside and have some warmer weather instead of being cooped up in the house with the cold weather.

Here's hoping this is a better, healthier week for our family and yours!!!


Anonymous said...

Aw, poor kid, and poor moms! I hope the new windows lead to better health for all! My tax refund is going for something equally glamourous: new roof. Be sure you check out the 30% tax credit on energy saving ones!

Jen said...

Isn't it so much fun when their vocabulary starts to explode? here's hoping you all are on the mends for a good long time!

Anonymous said...

Haha, I just noticed Gavin has that same Prince Charming shirt! Some days I am pretty sure it's false advertising!