Saturday, February 13, 2010


That is what I asked Braden tonight and he shook his head yes, like he totally knew what I was asking him! My heart filled with so much LOVE for my little guy and a little tear welled up in my eyes. He just continues to amaze me everyday! Braden has been in such a GREAT mood this weekend--- I wish it would last all year! Jill and I have been having so much fun playing with him and taking him places. Life really is so much more enjoyable with a happy toddler:)

Braden definitely is my super sweet Valentine, but I also have another one... aren't I lucky? My most wonderful partner Jill!! We have been together for 13 years (14 on Feb. 28th) and are more in love now than we have ever been! Now all of those years weren't easy, come on folks, you know relationships take lots of work. BUT through all of our ups and downs, they only made us stronger and want to work harder to be one of those forever couples. Jill, I love you with all my heart!!! You are my soul mate and such a wonderful mother to our precious boy! Thank you so much for choosing me!! All my love~ A

To my precious Valentine Braden, I am so lucky to be your mama! God sure knew what he was doing when he chose me to be your Mommy! I love your sweet personality, your amazing hugs, and your precious little kisses! You can make my day better with your sweet smile! You are such a blessing and I will love you FOREVER!!! NO MATTER WHAT!!!

I would have an adorable pic of Braden on here for you to enjoy, however, he was not having his picture made. His Valentine shirt said CUPID IS MY HOMEBOY! I love it, but he refused to take his picture so you will have to imagine, until next time:)


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