Thursday, April 22, 2010

Big Helper

Braden has been such a big helper lately! He helps with the laundry, the dishes, he puts things in the trash when we ask him, he'll get us a diaper to change him, and he even waters the flowers! I could rent this little guy out!!!! He really is doing a great job and we are so proud of him. He is also talking a lot more and putting more words together like- Where mama go, I'm big, and chip please. He is also saying all his color words and is repeating words after us. He is too cute! See pics below for your viewing pleasure:)

Helping Mimi water the flowers.

Big Boy

Bringing me a Flower! He was so excited:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aw, how can it be 2 years? Our little helpers are getting so big!