Friday, April 9, 2010

Spring Break

Coloring Easter Eggs with Mama and Mimi

The Easter Bunny Spoiled Braden!
He was so excited to see his Cars shirt!

Easter afternoon at Mamaw Barb's

Mimi and B- two peas in a pod:)

Helping Mimi wash the cars:)
We have had a GREAT Spring Break! It has been hectic since we are preparing for a big garage sale on Saturday, but it has been great to have the extra time with our family and friends. I cannot believe B's birthday is in a few weeks! Jill made his invitations and they are sooooo cute! We are doing the CARS theme- Braden LOVES the movie right now. He got several items for Easter and loved them!
We had some friends over on Monday night. Jill grilled some chicken- yum! Our friends daughter took Braden on a walk and he brought Jill and I our first flowers:) Dandelions.... but it was so sweet to see how proud his little face was when he came around the corner of the house with a handfull of flowers to give Jill and I! It was so precious-- I almost cried! He is such a sweet kind hearted little boy! I just cannot get enough of him! Another thing he has been doing is when I pick him up from daycare- he looks at me with the biggest smile and yells "Mama!!" he gives me a big hug and kiss and of course I just eat that up! He knows the way to my heart!
We are loving every minute with our little man and cannot believe how quickly this is all going! I wish I could just slow time a little when we are with him! I am really enjoying how sweet and loving he is being right now and I don't want that to change!!!
I hope you all had a WONDERFUL Easter!!! I will post birthday pics soon:)

1 comment:

hotomiky said...

wow! the boy is getting big and so cute!
Hope you had a good easter too..