Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Updates and Pics

Well... I am finally back and have pictures!!! Today was the last day of school for me- WOO-HOO!! Jill got out of school last Wednesday and has already been to the pool without me. However, she did get a sun burn:( I am so glad that this school year has finally finished! It was like the neverending school year!!!! We are looking forward to spending lots of quality time as a family and some wonderful extra time with our favorite little man! Speaking of our favorite little man, he has learned even more new words and grown one of his 2-year molars! He is talking up a storm and I love it! I know, I know... give me a few more years and I will want him to stop talking! BUT for now I LOVE IT!!!! He is saying lawn mower, tractor, cheetos (lee-los), moon, please, thank you, light, inside, outside, rain, and LOVE:) to name a few. He is such a big boy and is my heart and soul! I love him sooooooooooooooo much!!!!

Mama, Mimi, and B on Mother's Day 2010

Mowing with Mimi:)

Big Boy


Anonymous said...

'Tractor' must be a universal boy word, lol.
At least B is learning some nice words! G is spending waaay too much time with my wayward brother, and his vocabulary now includes these little gems: fart, stink, puke. Complete with demonstrations.

Jen said...

OMG, how cute is that pic of Braden mowing along with Jill? What an adorable boy!