Saturday, August 14, 2010

End of Summer

I asked Braden if he was ready to take a bath and this is what I got:) He is too funny! He used to RUN to the bathroom if you mentioned a bath, not he tries to get out of it.
We have really enjoyed all our family time this summer, but now we are back to school. The early mornings have been a little tough for all of us. BUT we will get back into the swing of things soon. By the time we all get home, we are wipped out and just chill for the rest of the night. Thankfully, Braden doesn't mind since he has been tired too with earlier mornings at daycare.
Jill and I are excited about our new students and think that this is going to be a good year for us. Otherwise, not a whole lot is going on for now. Just enjoying our family of three:) Hope all is well out there in blogland!!! Love to all!!!


K J and the kids said...

That is hilarious.
Mine are the same way. Used to love it and now I have to fight them in...but I also have to fight them to get out. :)

Mark, Julie and GT said...

I wish I could hide in the cabinet...but that would mean they were empty - as they should be with the move at the end of the week! Jill, I'm LOVIN' working so closely with you again this year! It's gonna be a great year...just take deep breaths!

Anonymous said...

Haha, I am getting the same kind of responses around here to just about anything I ask!
I get the feeling of being wiped out at the end of the day. We are usually in pj's watching tv and reading by 7!

Unknown said...

That is too cute!~