Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What's Up

Life has been pretty good around here:) We found a Church that we are both very excited about! Braden LOVES it and is getting his introduction to the Bible. Every time we pick him up he tells us he had fun! That feels so good to us, like we are really doing something great for him. We are excited about going to Church for the first time in a long time, so that is a blessing for us as well.

Braden is growing like a weed and is pure BOY! He loves to throw little tantrums and cry for no reason lately. I've been told that it comes with the age, but man it is tough some times! Overall, he is a wonderful loving little guy and that far outweighs the stinker. He loves for me to hold his hand when I sit in the backseat with him, he likes for me to rock him everynight before he goes to bed, and I have to be the one that tucks him in. He likes to hold both of our hands when we walk through a parking lot, and waves goodbye to me and blows me a kiss from the window at daycare. He gives me tons of wonderful hugs and sweet kisses every day. And these are just a few of the things that make my day so great. I am so blessed to be his Mom and thank God every day for blessing Jill and I with him.

Family pic before the first football game- GO DEVILS!!

The boy loves to grill:)

Mom's Boy

Braden and his buddy E jumping on Jill


K J and the kids said...

What is it with the bouncing on the body thing. My boys do the same thing....I can't handle it so they mostly do it to my wife :) ha ha

Glad to hear things are moving right along for you guys.
Braden is as always adorable.

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to let you know that I've been reading your blog...your family is so adorable! :-) Braden is such a cutie!

Jen said...

Haven't heard from you in a while. Just wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

Jen said...

Just checking in on you guys to see how everything is going. Give us an update!