Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Years Update

Goofying around at the pumpkin patch.

Pirate Braden and Giraffe Chloe with Pops.
Chloe is our neice!

Trick or Treat

Braden giving Harley a lick of his candy cane!
Harley is one of our new dogs- Merry Christmas to us:)

Braden loved the boogying Santa:)

Playing Lincoln Logs with Aunt TT

Putting out the Reindeer food on Christmas Eve

Braden and Harley watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

Opening presents on Christmas morning:)
Me and my niece Chloe

Sorry it has been so long since my last post! We sold our home computer and then it was just too crazy with the holidays to gather the pictures and get them on here. We spent the holdiays with family and friends and enjoyed every minute of it! Braden loved opening all the presents this year and had to tear off every bit of wrapping paper before he would even look at what it was. Then he wanted to open each gift and play with it a minute before he would move on to the next gift. He is so funny and full of personality! He is talking in more sentences and we can have little converstations with him. It is so fun to see him grow up right before our eyes!

Overall, we had a great end to 2010 and rang in the New Year with great friends! I hope to get caught up with you guys and your blogs! Sorry I've been MIA!!! I hope you all have a great 2011 and all your dreams come true!!! Love to all!!!


K J and the kids said...

Thank you for explaining who Chloe's been long enough since your last post to practically incubate one of those sweet things.
Speaking of ? will you be incubating one soon ? You look super cute with a little girl :)
Happy New Year.

Jen said...

Yay, an update! Glad you guys had some fun holiday times. Braden is so SO adorable. And getting to look like such a big boy.