Saturday, February 26, 2011

Time flies!!!

Braden posing in his new PJ's
They say Center of Mom's universe. Love it!!!

At a friends birthday party

Dr. Braden giving Jill a check-up

Your ears look great Mimi

Braden has been growing like a weed the last few months! He is playing more on his own and is using his imagination. It is so neat to listen to him play, especially when he plays with other kids and they jibber jabber back and forth. He has learned the word "why" and says it a million times a day, which is REAL fun for the mommas!
We are enjoying watching our little baby grow into a little boy. He is such a sweet little guy- so loving and always says I love you and gives us hugs and kisses. I hope he stays that way as he gets older!
We are all looking forward to some warmer weather so we can get back outisde and have fun outdoors. We really enjoy grilling and playing in the yard.
Jill and I will be celebrating our 15th anniversary on February 28th! It has been a roller coaster ride at times, but well worth the ride! She is my best friend and my life partner. I know God made us for each other and we are so blessed to be able to share our lives together and enjoy it with this sweet little boy!
I hope everyone out in blogland is doing well!! I am looking forward to catching up on all the blogs and pics!! Love to all!!

1 comment:

K J and the kids said...

Growing like a weed and just as cute as ever.

15 years. WOW !! That is so awesome guys.