Monday, April 4, 2011

Spring Fun

First look at the ocean. He said, "Oh WOW, look at the water!"

So pretty!

Mimi and B at the beach!! First soccer game!
We have had a great start to spring! Braden is playing soccer for the first time and looks too cute in all his soccer gear. We got some cute little cleats and shin guards and a blue soccer ball. He really likes the practice since he has his own ball and can kick it all around, but gets upset when the game starts and there is only one ball for the whole team. The first game he was good for about 5 minutes and then cried the other 20 minutes. A lot of the team did. They were all so cute out there though.

We decided to finally go on vacation since we have not been in FIVE years. We are here with some friends that Jill works with and their kiddos. We are in Destin and loving it! It is Braden's first time at the beach abd he is having a blast building sandcastles, flying a kite, and chasing the birds. It is so fun to watch him while he explores in the sand.

He has really been a sweet boy lately too. He is always telling us he loves us and is saying I love you more and I love you most. It is too cute! He is such a loving little boy, which I am crazy about. He loves to snuggle with me and gives lots of hugs and kisses. I am so blessed to be his mama!

I will post some more pics of our first family vacation soon!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

wow hes getting big!!