Friday, June 10, 2011

Just Words

I have been wanting to post about Braden and some of the new things he has been doing just for me to remember. He is a VERY sweet little boy that likes to snuggle and give lots of hugs and kisses. He has really been into telling us he loves us. Especially when we do something he likes:) Yes, he has figured out how to work me! Just say I love you and you get what you want. Well not always, but it doesn't hurt:) When we ride in the car he says he loves us a million times. I think if he doesn't know what to say he just says I love you. Of course this doesn't bother me a bit because I like to say I love you all the time too- hee hee! Over the last year he has been learning ALOT. He has learned several shapes (circle, heart, diamond, square, rectangle, triangle) and all of his colors. He knows about half the alphabet and we are still working on counting. I am not sure why this has been difficult for him. We count ALL the time, but he still doesn't have it down pat. Over the last several months he has really began to play on his own and use his imagination. He has little action figures that he will make have a conversation with each other and just lay on the floor playing. It is so fun to listen to him playing on his own. Another thing that makes us laugh when he doesn't want to get up and do something he will say, "It's your turn Mom" or "It's Mimi's turn." He is too hilarious! He loves riding his battery powered 4-wheeler and the Gator he got for his birthday. When it is time to clean up he will put things up where they bel,ong and sometimes he will ask if we will help him. We try to clean up all together to teach him that it is important to take care of our things and put them back where they belong. He says his favorite food is chips, his favorite color is purple, and his favorite snack is chocolate. The other day we were playing around and I said, "Who's your mama?" and he said Mama Amer (Amber) and Mimi Jill- too funny! I don't know where he learned that. I guess from other people calling me Amber, but it caught me totally off guard. Right now he likes to watch Little Einsteins and Word World the most. I have also introduced him to Leap Frog's Letter Factory. He is the light of my life and I love seeing the world through his eyes! He is growing up way too fast and I need time to slow down a little! My little baby boy is now a big 3 year old! Where has the time gone??? Thank you so much for following us on this amazing journey! It has been a fabulous ride and I look forward to making many more memories with Jill and Braden!

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