Friday, July 8, 2011

Summer Fun

Pool Side Fun!
Bubbles with Mars
We have been enjoying our summer break spending time with friends, family, and the pool:) We got one of those blow up pools that is just 2 feet deep and thought Braden would love it because he loved the pool last year when we were member at Atlantis. WRONG! He cries everytime we try to put him in it and just likes to play along the side. Not sure why he doesn't like this pool, but he loves to play in the water so we got him a pirate ship water table. We all enjoy that!
Braden is growing like a weed and is talking ALOT. The kid won't shut up most days- LOL! We are really enjoying his stories and imagination! We are in he middle of some serious potty training right now and that is SUPER frustrating! More so for us than him, but I guess that is typical. He is doing a lot better and his daycare is helping us to keep things consistent, but when he is in the middle of playing he doesn't think to stop to go potty. So we are working on that. Just send us some patience prayers please:)

1 comment:

K J and the kids said...

I can't believe how big he is.
Sounds like you've been having a ball this summer.

Have you given him the hose and let him fill the swimming pool up ?
Or maybe let him play in it dry and fill it up while he's in it.
Just some suggestions.

As for potty training. He'll do it when he's ready. Keep it positive. I know it's frustrating. He'll eventually get it :)