Sunday, August 21, 2011

Big Boy Underoos and More:)

Braden and his chicks:)
B's first Starbucks:) He loved it!!!
Happy Gilmore!!
Little fisherman!
Big Boy Underoos
This morning Braden said, "Mama, I'm a rock star!!" He cracks me up!!! He is always coming up with funny things to say. Last night I told him he had such a cute hiney and he came up to me and said, "Mama, you wanna touch it?" Where does he come up with this stuff????
We are all trying to get back into the school routine. Jill and I have been so worn out at night, but it is getting easier day by day. We all look forward to the weekends when we can spend more time together. Braden has been working on his manners at school and I love to hear no thank you, please, excuse me, etc... It is too cute! We LOVE his daycare and so does he!
I hope everyone in blogland is doing great! Love and hugs to you all!!


K J and the kids said...

I love the happy gilmore picture :)

Thanks for working hard for our students...teachers.

Jen said...

He is so big now! And what a cutie. Don't you just love the conversations with them at this age?

Anonymous said...

I don't know how these boys' minds work, but they sure come up with some hilarious stuff!
We're working on manners here too...things were good for a while but we seem to have hit a 'demanding' phase.