Tuesday, October 25, 2011

School, School, and more School

Jill and I both teach (as most of you know) but now we are also both in school working on our Rank I. Jill is working towards her Rank I in School Counseling and I am working on Library Media to be a school librarian. I am not ready to leave the classroom yet, but I would like to have the option if I change my mind one day. Needless to say, things are pretty busy around here most days, but we are hanging in there. Braden keeps us laughing with all the funny new things he talks about- friends, feelings, learning new things, trying to be the boss, etc... He knows all of his alphabet and most of the letter sounds now. This year he has learned his months of the year, days of the week, about Johnny Applessed, Christopher Columbus, counting to 10, etc... So he has been busy learning new things too! We are having so much fun with all our little conversations we have. He is such a sweet hear! I love him so much and feel so blessed to be his mama! Pics to come soon!


K J and the kids said...

smart kid :)

Mark, Julie and GT said...

I am so, so proud of you both and am BLESSED to have you both to call you friends! I only wish I got to see you, Amber, as much as I get to see Jill!