Tuesday, July 30, 2013

More Summer Fun!!

We have had a really great summer break! Doing lots of fun things as a family and making wonderful memories. Just a few pictures to share:) We have had several appointments to get ready for Kindergarten. He was a pro at all of them- his vision is excellent, he is off the chart on height, and his teeth looked great, but he did have one cavity (fingers crossed that this is his one and only cavity ever!) I am hoping that he will have my teeth. I have never had a cavity! We have been so proud of him! He is growing up way too fast!! I cannot believe that he is going to be starting elementary school!!! Time sure does fly!!

Playing some tunes with his Ipod tucked in his underwear!! LOL!!

Shopping for his Kindergarten backpack!! I can't believe his is going to school!!!!

At the dentist getting some goofy gas so he can get his cavity filled. 

1 comment:

K J and the kids said...

I love his sweet face.
And the picture of him with his batman skivvies on is awesome.
Glad you've had such a great summer. I can't believe he's going to be in kindergarten.