Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Just Hanging Out

Things have been really good around our house lately. Braden is growing like a weed and feeling good, which is always a plus! We have spent a lot of time with family and friends and just enjoyed time together as a family. I know I say it a lot, but we are so very blessed to have this sweet little boy in our lives! God sure picked him out special just for us!

Speaking of my little man---I cannot believe that heis going to be TWO in a couple of months!!! That is so hard to believe! Time is going way to fast for me! We are going to do a Disney Cars theme. He watched most of the movie and was glued and he is really into cars right now. So we thought that would be fun. Our big gift this year is going to be a motorized 4-wheeler. I think he will LOVE it!

I added some pics for your viewing pleasure. I know most of you come for the pictures of Braden, not my ramblings- heehee! That is okay because he is just so darn cute!!! Have a great rest of the week!!!!!

I finally did get a pic of Braden in his Valentine shirt:)
It says Cupid is my Homeboy
World's Cutest Little UK fan!
Wrestling with his Uncle Brent


GranZann, B, and Pops


Anonymous said...

I love his haircut! So cute!

Anonymous said...

I was just thinking the other day that these boys can NOT be almost 2?!? So glad everyone has been healthy! Gavin is obsessed with the Wonderpets, so I think that will be his birthday theme.

Anonymous said...

He is so big, and SOOOO cute!