Saturday, March 20, 2010

Spring Fun!

It is so nice to have the sun shining and warmer weather! We have been able to spend some time outdoors and it has done us all some good. Braden LOVES being outside! I think we could pitch him a tent and he would stay out there all day and night! Jill and I really have enjoyed getting out of the house and playing with him too! We got a seat for her bike and Braden loves going on bike rides. He wanted to go every night after the first night, but the weather turned cold again so we haven't gone since. I'm sure we will have a bunch of bike rides this summer:)

I had another birthday at the beginning of March- 32 now:) I love spending my birthday with my two favorite people- Jill and B! We had a few people over for pizza to celebrate. Just low key and very nice:) Jill and Braden got me some diamond earrings for my birthday and Mother's Day. They are so pretty--- I love them! I was completely SHOCKED and surprised!!!! I am so spoiled rotten:)

We took Braden to the park to play with some friends today. We love getting them all together and seeing our kiddos playing with people we used to hang out with growing up:) I hope they are all buddies when they get older too! We played on the playground for awhile then walked to see the geese and feed them some bread. Braden was fearless and kept trying to pet them:) I thought he would stay close to us, but he sure didn't. What a little man:) I am in awe of how this little guy has changed my life for the better!!!

Enjoy the pics below:)

What's up home dog?

Stud Muffin seeks Cupcake:)

Baseball boy!

Grilling pros:)

Mama and Braden at the park

Feeding the geese


Jen said...

Oh, he is just SOOOO cute! And how stinkin' adorable is he with his mini grill next to Jill? That is way cute! Thanks for your comment on my blog. It's conmforting to know we're not the only ones with a kid not always thrilled to see them at the end of the day :)

Anonymous said...

I am laughing out loud at the pics, not only because they're cute but because we obviously shop at the same stores! G has the stud muffin shirt and wears the 'polka dot' diapers too!

We've been trying to get outside, but it keeps getting cold and rainy here too. We did manage a walk in the woods, where G immediatly found a deer horn and something dead. Ick. Boys.